Monthly Archives: August 2015

Are You Afraid of Critical Thinking?

The extremists that now make up the bulk of the GOP, brought to us through the fringe faction, called the Tea Party, have nothing to add to the progress and advancement of America or the human race. They are delusional and their participation in a democracy will only cause considerable damage. There is no upside with these people.
Because of them and their propensity to claim that ‘god’ “talks” to them (why does god only talk to stupid people?) and because of my agnostic view of religion, (I’ve had since I was about 5 or 6 years old), I have come to the realization that all religion and every “god” is imaginary and are all man made myths and fairy tales. And also that a democracy has no room for this fractured type of doublethink.
I firmly believe in the 100% separation of church and state. You are free to believe all the myths you want to, just keep them out of our government and laws (and lawmakers).
Going to the next step, with much research and a completely open mind, has brought me to the fact that, knowing these things, I find that Atheism is the only answer that makes any sense at all.
Here is a thought that I believe to be a valuable tool for theists to stop their doublethink and come to a new realization in the way they view this world, their religious beliefs, and how critical thinking is not a threat to them, but a new honest path to living.
Think about positive change worldwide and how it is possible with the right examination of what is provable and what is merely mythological. Here is a profound statement, writer unknown.
The way to change the world is to change people’s minds. As more and more people openly discuss the fact that “God” and “Allah” are completely imaginary, the world becomes a better place. The people who believe in “religion” look sillier and sillier. Eventually, religion becomes a fringe activity that is meaningless.
More can be found at this at this site and here;
If you truly are a good person, can allow new reasoning and critical thought, then you have no valid reason to not go there and read and evaluate the proven evidence we now have through science that proves that all gods are imaginary.
So if you’re a reader of this article and think that you possess an open mind, now is the time to prove it to yourself, or are you afraid of critical thinking?

Elect Bernie Sanders in 2016

by Jerry Bierens

The pipeline from our public schools and more recently charter schools, (that are under no restrictions as to cirriculum and inspections) is nothing but the first step in the “dumbing down” process of our youth. The de-funding our public school system (to claim that it’s failing) is a big part of the GOP plan to “privatize” everything they can.

Next step in this process is through the racially biased judicial system and then directly to another government service that should never be privatized, private prisons.

I can’t believe that people are not aware and outraged at these three things. They obviously need reform.

In the case of the judicial, we need new more humanistic (without minimum mandatory sentencing) laws. No one should ever get 20 years or even a life sentence for a victimless crime like drug possession or sales.

Charter schools (for profit) and private prisons (for profit), and on through the (bad, racially tainted) court system are nearly an automatic pipeline to prison for many young people, and a majority of them are blacks and “other brown skinned” indivduals. It’s just plain wrong and you have the GOP to thank (blame) for it.

Charter schools AND private prisons are products of the “conservative” agenda, The result of not enough public input, done with backdoor sweetheart deals, to help wealthy friend(s) to profit from them. Never, never, should prisons or schools be a part of capitalism and done for profit. That’s why they (schools and prisons) have traditionally been PUBLIC services run with PUBLIC tax money. It’s what makes a social democratic society. It’s a fair system that served us well, until the oligarch(s) got their hooks into our government.

It’s all in the RWNJ plan to keep the sheep ignorant, and in line, which benefits the rich and their sponsors, in the legislatures, at the federal and state levels (look up A.L.E.C.)…. These bought and paid for politicians are supported with enormous donations so they can spread their lies and instill enough fear to stay in power so they can further the planned path to a fascist oligarchy…………

It’s past time to forget what the democrats and republicans used to be. Now it’s down to only one party if we are to save democracy and have a chance at an America that is fair to all it’s citizens, and not just the rich 1%.

And it sure isn’t the republicans!!!!
