Monthly Archives: June 2017

A dear John letter to John Deere

This is a little known trend that has already started and will be nearly impossible to eradicate unless arrested soon.

For hundreds of years the American farmer, car buffs, emerging engineers and others have been know to tinker with a thing or two. You know, the American way?

Those days may be numbered…..

What I am referring to is a little known [ALEC influenced] law you won’t likely see mentioned on mainstream media and will certainly will not hear about from the lawmakers that passed it, or any lawmakers for that matter.

I’m talking about what is called “repair prevention” and it’s being pushed by major manufacturers. It’s an attempt to corporatize the idea of ownership.

Today a lot of the manufactured goods you buy contain software, from a beard trimmer to a bulldozer. When you buy an item it should be yours to do with as you please and that should include the right to “fix” the thing you own, as we have done in the past.

Then comes this…. Maybe you’ve signed one yourself….. it’s called an “End User License Agreement”, or EULA. This agreement you signed has buried in the “find print” is a clause that forbids anyone from attempting, or doing, repairs or alterations to it.

John Deere has a doozy of a EULA…

More about it here:

Without going any further into this now, I suggest you click on the links provided and I will update this as new information becomes available.

Meanwhile, if you own an Apple cell phone 6 or later, do not attempt to fix it without taking it to a licensed Apple outlet. If you do you may end up with a locked device with “Error 53” on the display and at that point it’s value is only as a paperweight.


Abdul El-Sayed for Governor of Michigan


I sure hope that the good people of this once great state of Michigan don’t dwell on this good man’s name and aren’t intimidated by his Muslim background and consider him on his merits only.

He is a very smart and altruistic person that is aware of the plight of the people that the current administration so easily dismisses.

The Snyder administration is using a very narrow minded view of things to discriminate against certain groups and to deny the rights of others.

His (Snyder’s) administration is using government to deny rights to, and access to some public services, by selling off public programs to private (for profit, of course) entities.

It’s not only the Flint water crisis where he poisoned (for life in some cases) over 9000 children with lead tainted water….

It’s also the fact that Snyder cut $1.2 billion from the funds for public schools and gave this tax money (it’s yours too) to the owners of private charter schools that are run to make profits. WTF???

He also signed a contract with a filthy, greedy company to feed the incarcerated in our state prisons rotten and rat chewed upon food, also for profits.

Snyder also had the CONservatives in our GOP majority run legislature to pass a stupid “right to work” law (for lower wages and no benefits) in the waning hours of a session when the ones that would have opposed it, the Democrats, had conveniently gone home for the day.

He also is an enemy to the LGBT community by backing a screwed up, so-called “religious freedom” law that allows emergency personal to discriminate against anyone they believe to be homosexual and refuse to treat them (even in life threatening situations).

Then there is a woman’s right to control her own body that the GOP thinks they have a right to deny (they don’t). Snyder sided with an extremist religious group to allow part of the fee paid for a specialty license plate with the words “Choose Life” on it to go to them to advance their discriminatory views on abortion. It is a gross violation of the separation of church and state. This group is profiting from fees paid to the state for license plate renewal. It’s just plain wrong.

Abdul El-Sayed is what this state needs to restore honesty and openness to the governor’s office after the debacle of the #SnyderFails administration. He has run our state and its public services into the ground long enough.

Google will confirm all these claims. I am new at this (relatively) and if I supply all the links, you’ll still come back with the ones I missed….. curse Google and love it too…

Make sure you get out and vote in the next election.