Category Archives: legalization

A Rant to my State Representative

Needless to say I was not happy with his canned answer as to why the legislature is dragging it’s feet on marijuana legalization….


Well Jim, I see that you are towing the (hateful party line) and still are singing the same old tune about a pathway to harder drugs…..people like you are so uninformed that logic is useless.

In fact, I’ve seen several testimonies where people profess that by smoking marijuana they were able to get off dangerous prescription pain killers, alcohol and other hard drugs (that I vehemently object to, like crystal meth and crystals of another kind [I’m not totally up on all that, I just know that they are there]). But cosmos forbid that helping them is akin to enabling them…..

You and your kind are only interested in major drug company profits, DAMN the damage they inflict.

The assault on our public education systems (in favor of for profit charter schools thanks to (governor Rick Snyder) “robbing’ $1.2 billion from our public schools [was that Betsy DeVos too?]),  the refusal to support a livable minimum wage, or even a guaranteed minimum stipend that keeps people off the streets from being homeless destitute individuals, and, cosmos forbid (again, but seriously, I’m atheist), a monthly payment that allows them to have an address so they can actually apply for a job and hopefully support themselves without public assistance.

THAT would be “enabling them”… (bullshit!!!)….

Not many that are forced by unseen, and by no fault of their own most times, to be on welfare want to be on it, but they are just so behind the “eight ball” that getting out of this endless cycle of poverty that they simply, in many cases, just give up.

It’s time for some real change…. not the theocracy based (no work, no food) attitude of the fake ass evangelicals who are delusional, but real social democratic change.

If you are in this country there should be absolutely no reason for you to be homeless or hungry.

This is the richest country in the world and we are (sadly) a country that lets kids go to bed hungry, not have access to a good basic education, access to free state sponsored healthcare, we incarcerate prisoners at a rate that even the worst dictatorships cannot match (fact: the United States of America has only 5% of the world’s population, yet we incarcerate 25% of the world’s prison inmates [incidentally, non-proportionally minorities]) and have to watch those in congress refuse to lift a finger, to make their needs (and all Americans needs) a priority and actually address our most urgent, basic needs like clean air and water is tantamount to murder.

We actually need to put you people in prison instead……

I am appalled that we can waste trillions on a fighter jet that can’t even fire it’s own weapon (still after several years) and spend more (55% of our national budget) on a military that is so bloated that since 1998 they have over 8 trillion dollars that they cannot account for, and yet we have a non-responsive (bloated) congress (state AND federal), infused with millionaires, who have the ultimate healthcare, pensions that keep them millionaires  for life and no positive/progressive actions are even remotely considered.

Time for the people to take control of the military and forcibly remove all the people in congress that have a track record of voting against any and all of these positive measures.

I realize that what what I’m advocating could be construed as treason, but I respectfully have to say, that that is exactly what our forefathers said should happen in this extreme circumstance.

I give you Donald John Trump who in a matter of days, what he has done, make what Hitler did in the 1930’s pale by comparison.

This is not a time for timid and spineless, bow down to the establishment, cowering, but a time that we are faced with the total destruction of the country (and democracy) we all (even the right wing idiots that have been fooled into supporting this fascist agenda) love.

There may not be another chance…..

There is not only an infestation in our federal government, but is goes all the way down to the local and state level.

You sir are part of the problem…..

Excuse me if I sound disrespectful, but that is my intention, because you and your kind deserve no respect.

Put me on a dissenter list if you want, but that will only give my voice a platform to expose all the corruption that exists and will continue to exist until these kind of actions are taken. (I will print out a copy of this email and register it with an independent organization…)

The answer you gave to my email, that was based in altruism and concern for the welfare of this country is unacceptable, and I will do every thing I can to see to it that this is you last term on the state government teat.
Fascism is not going to happen, sincerely,

Elect Bernie Sanders in 2016

by Jerry Bierens

The pipeline from our public schools and more recently charter schools, (that are under no restrictions as to cirriculum and inspections) is nothing but the first step in the “dumbing down” process of our youth. The de-funding our public school system (to claim that it’s failing) is a big part of the GOP plan to “privatize” everything they can.

Next step in this process is through the racially biased judicial system and then directly to another government service that should never be privatized, private prisons.

I can’t believe that people are not aware and outraged at these three things. They obviously need reform.

In the case of the judicial, we need new more humanistic (without minimum mandatory sentencing) laws. No one should ever get 20 years or even a life sentence for a victimless crime like drug possession or sales.

Charter schools (for profit) and private prisons (for profit), and on through the (bad, racially tainted) court system are nearly an automatic pipeline to prison for many young people, and a majority of them are blacks and “other brown skinned” indivduals. It’s just plain wrong and you have the GOP to thank (blame) for it.

Charter schools AND private prisons are products of the “conservative” agenda, The result of not enough public input, done with backdoor sweetheart deals, to help wealthy friend(s) to profit from them. Never, never, should prisons or schools be a part of capitalism and done for profit. That’s why they (schools and prisons) have traditionally been PUBLIC services run with PUBLIC tax money. It’s what makes a social democratic society. It’s a fair system that served us well, until the oligarch(s) got their hooks into our government.

It’s all in the RWNJ plan to keep the sheep ignorant, and in line, which benefits the rich and their sponsors, in the legislatures, at the federal and state levels (look up A.L.E.C.)…. These bought and paid for politicians are supported with enormous donations so they can spread their lies and instill enough fear to stay in power so they can further the planned path to a fascist oligarchy…………

It’s past time to forget what the democrats and republicans used to be. Now it’s down to only one party if we are to save democracy and have a chance at an America that is fair to all it’s citizens, and not just the rich 1%.

And it sure isn’t the republicans!!!!
