Category Archives: Christianity

Occasional Update

The Potential Harm Done By Religion 

Religious fascism and the number of fascists that are using this recent wave of dissent to enhance their influence all around the world is on the rise.

There may be an increase in the number of people that have come to realize that all religion is man-made, has no power other than what followers give them, are all false and nothing more than allegorical fairytales and stories, but that only seems to increase the most fanatical among them to be even crazier.

All religions have no more reality than any other book or article about ghosts, dead coming out of the grave, or any other thing that lies in the area of the fiction found in every religious text.

A sample:

In Nepal, women are now banished from their homes if they are menstruating or have just given birth.

In the USA a Baptist minister (monster) calls for the execution of LGBTQ.

Rick Wiles, another (American religious fanatic and an all around crazy person) says that “if you’re not a Christian, then you worship Satan” (he must not be aware of the percentage of millennials that are leaving organized religion at a record pace or even more unaware of the increase of people like me that are 100% Atheist).

Then we see Jonathan Shelly, another idiot, that says that all gamers (millennials mostly) are fat and lazy and should be put to death.

And last (today) but not least, there is the fanatical president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, whose ideas are beyond bad and could be described as cruel and barbaric — at best. I have no specifics here — that would take a book from what I’ve seen of this Fascist and will have to wait for another day.

Thanks for reading….

Religion is a form of slavery that hides in plain sight.

Until a vast majority of people gain some common sense and realize that religion, as guide for modern day living…. is nonsense, and is dangerous.
Religious based “laws”, especially in many governments world wide, has gained excessive influence in the last 50 years (or so) and as a result the freedoms and equal rights of billions of planet earth’s inhabitants has been getting worst, not better.
Cause? Religion.
Right here in the USA we are facing a fascist regime like hasn’t been seen since the 30’s and Adolph Hitler.
This is a serious problem. It goes beyond our borders and affects human rights and world peace in many ways…. ways that could be vastly improved with a complete separation of all religion and all governments.
There is no doubt, by this writer, that making and using secular laws and leaving the religious crap to the delusional world, would make this a better place to live.
It’s way past time that we take religion off this pedestal of too much respect and immunity to criticism. It relies on this willful ignorance and undue respect to succeed. It calls any challenge to its dogma a word, blasphemy, that was only invented to protect the impossible and unbelievable that ALL religion is. That word is nothing but a crutch.
I think that the extraordinary claims made in all religious text calls for extraordinary evidence…. and since there is NONE…. it deserves as much exposure of its lies as possible, and also deserves criticism for the impossible stories (not to mention all the misogyny, murder, ethnic cleansing [racist roots] etc.) as is needed to challenge its core beliefs.
Until religion has no unnecessary governmental influence, and laws are made that enhance human rights and freedom (to an exacting rational and proven degree), we will not see the progress we need to see on this (one and only) planet we are super lucky to have…… changes that will save millions of lives and protect human rights in the future.

We already lost too much in the way of progress and science in the original Dark Ages and without some positive action, we are headed for another one.

We may not burn people at the stake, or charge scientists with blasphemy and stretch them until their joints separate on a “rack” but it will work the same, if only with more subtlety.

via (61) Jerry Bierens

Have You Talked with Your Kids About Pledging Allegiance?

The original Pledge salute was eerily similar to the Nazi salute, so it was changed to hand-over-heart.

Are you a bad American if you refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance? Are you a bad parent if you encourage your child to opt out of the Pledge in school?

Not at all. In fact, sitting out the Pledge of Allegiance, and encouraging your children to do so as well, can be seen as an affirmation of certain important values that are sadly lacking in modern America. One could even argue that sitting out the Pledge is itself a noble act of patriotism – or, at least, that those who opt out are by no means any less patriotic than those who participate. (Note: the right to refuse participation in the Pledge has been guaranteed by the United States Supreme Court(link is external).)

It would be a mistake to assume that the Pledge of Allegiance is an exercise that somehow unites all good citizens. Most Americans – liberal, moderate, or conservative – are decent and loyal citizens who appreciate at some level the nation’s core values: freedom, equal rights, democracy, and the fundamental principles embedded in the Constitution. They may often disagree about how to define and apply those values, but that’s simply the nature of a pluralistic, open society. With such a diverse population and a wide range of viewpoints, it shouldn’t be surprising that many see little value in a pledge exercise.

At a minimum, parents should talk with their kids about the Pledge – about what it means, what it doesn’t mean, and even its history. For starters, kids should understand that the exercise is voluntary, because many schools don’t inform them of this. And whether individual children decide to participate or not, all kids should understand that nonparticipation is not unpatriotic or disrespectful in any way. The reverse side of the same coin would point out that participation doesn’t make one a patriot.

In fact, serious participation in the exercise might require a child to make affirmations that run contrary to a child’s core personal beliefs or matters of conscience – and this of course could be unhealthy and problematic. Some families may not believe that the nation is “under God,” for example, whereas others may not feel that we truly provide “liberty and justice for all.” Others may simply have objections to pledging to anything. Families grappling with such issues are part of the fabric of the nation, and they should be appreciated and supported, not criticized.

For any humanist family, and for many others as well, there are numerous issues relating to the Pledge that are worth discussing. A few of them would include:

The Loyalty Oath Problem. No matter how much you love your country, you could question the wisdom of any recitation that essentially amounts to a loyalty oath. To be good citizens, must we visibly and publicly pledge our allegiance? And must even childrendo so – on a daily basis? It’s interesting that the Founding Fathers never felt it desirable to promote such loyalty recitations from citizens. (In fact, the Pledge wasn’t even written until 1892(link is external), a full century after the founding era.) The framers, as men of reason with Enlightenment values, most likely would have been aghast at the idea of citizens being expected to regularly recite a loyalty pledge.

Promoting Nationalism. We can love our country while still being skeptical of nationalism. We can agree that America is a marvelous place, from sea to shining sea, and that the principles upon which it was founded are worthy of exaltation – but that doesn’t mean we should constantly encourage widespread feelings of nationalism. History shows that national pride (in America and elsewhere) can be overdone, that it can lead to militarism and a diminished appreciation of outsiders. Nationalism can be seen as a manifestation of the human tendency toward tribalism, and such “we-are-so-great” thinking is hardly an impulse that should be encouraged. Beyond our borders are fellow human beings whose worth and dignity should not be disregarded. As such, maybe we shouldn’t instill our children with a daily dose of national superiority.

Racist and sexist roots. Liberty and justice are fine values, but they are hardly a comprehensive statement of important American values. When Francis Bellamy, a socialist, originally wrote the Pledge in 1892, he considered including the values of equality and fraternity in the recitation, but he was discouraged from doing so. It seems that too many Americans – particularly those in leadership positions – were opposed to equality for women and African Americans, so inclusion of those values would have been too controversial. Thus, by excluding those values, the Pledge as it appears today reflects not-so-subtle invidious attitudes of racism and sexism – reason enough to pass on participating in it.

The ‘Under God’ Problem. Many Americans don’t even know that the “under God” wording was added to the Pledge in 1954, during the McCarthy era. Interestingly, in asurvey released this week(link is external) by the American Humanist Association, when Americans are informed about this history over one-third support removal of the words and a return to “one nation, individible.” Obviously, a statement that the nation is “under God” is contrary to the sincerely held beliefs of atheists, humanists, and other religious skeptics. That didn’t bother the Knights of Columbus(link is external) and other religious groups that lobbied for inclusion of the phrase, but it obviously bothers many nonbelievers The survey showed over 90 percent of atheists oppose the affirmation, as do more than one in five believers. As the Pledge currently reads, it defines patriotism by drawing a circle that excludes millions of atheists and humanists who of course are perfectly good citizens. That alone is reason for many to opt out.

The Rote Recitation Problem. In an age where critical thinking is hardly a widespread phenomenon, it’s hard to see how the act of reciting any pledge in unison with a large group does much good. Even if the Pledge of Allegiance were a perfect statement of national values – which it is not – it certainly isn’t a reflection of independent thinking. Group activities can indeed sometimes have value in an educational environment (reciting the alphabet, for example, or singing songs). But they are usually done for a short time – a few days, or perhaps a few weeks – until the lesson or the song is fully learned and appreciated, and then the class moves on to something else. However, a daily recitation of a pledge of national loyalty, for 13 years, is an indoctrination, not an education.

A Declaration of Independence. Just as participation in the Pledge exercise discourages independent thinking, nonparticipation is an act of independence. The nonparticipating student is making a statement of sorts – not a statement of disloyalty, but a statement that tells others that he/she will not be herded and given words to recite. The intelligent, independent thinker knows what her values are – and certainly does not need a dailygovernment-sponsored exercise to define them or instill them.

These are some of the reasons that good, decent Americans are sitting out the Pledge of Allegiance. Critics of nonparticipation might object, and they might even accuse nonparticipants of disloyalty. The late Sen. Joseph McCarthy, famous for witch hunts that, not coincidentally, were occurring as the Knights of Columbus was lobbying for insering “under God” into the Pledge in the early 1950s, would have called such nonparticipants disloyal and subversive. This, however, would prove my point. If those claiming to be the “real” patriots can accuse nonparticipants of disloyalty merely for opting out of a recitation, we have forgotten the meaning of patriotism. If anything, such accusations should encourage even more critical thinkers to opt out.

Humanists know that recitation of words does not make a patriot, nor does waiving a flag or putting a yellow magnet on one’s car. If you want to be a good American, talk is cheap – but there’s nothing unpatriotic about critical thinking and personal independence.

Follow on Twitter: @ahadave(link is external)

David Niose’s new book is coming out this fall. Preorder Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason

Peace and Critical Thinking

by Jerry Bierens December 2, 2015

Forming a better world through logic, reason and critical thinking.

There is nothing more important than finding ways that we can all live together, in [world] peace and harmony.

This has been the ultimate challenge since we first learned to talk and to [try to] figure out problems that we face on a daily basis.

First what are the things and challenges that we must conquer to achieve peace and harmony on this one habitable planet we all share?

We are all creatures with needs and wants, and we, as brothers and sisters, should be able to construct a basic set of things that are necessary to achieve this goal of reasonable caring for each other and the wellbeing of all, not just the rich and powerful.

To start, what causes most discord amongst humans? Well, we all need food and shelter. That is at the top of the list of needs.

Second, there is, not just the basics as mentioned above, but the fact that we will not live long without understanding certain things that are critical, like being clean, learning what is unhealthy and why we get sick, whether it be physical or mental.

Since I’m not a physicist or a physician, I can only talk from a critical thinking and common sense point of view and how we acknowledge the problems that come from just being humans that have differences.

We do not live in the trees and socialize with just some grunts, body language and an order of social hierarchy understood by the group anymore.

We now have evolved into many social groups with many different languages. We have populated this planet from nearly pole to pole, with some exceptions, like the North and South poles. We visit there and have outcamps there, but we mainly do not generally live there.

Besides all these differences, there are things that are common to the areas where we live, and these certainly affect how, and why, we do certain things, and that is one source of what causes discord and prevents us from easily obtaining this elusive world peace.

If we all spoke the same language, had the same skin pigment and we were nearly identical, that would be a good thing, but it just isn’t that way.

Still it’s not imperative to have all those things and be that way. We can still live long and healthy if we can achieve peace and harmony by choosing to ignore these minor differences (after all, we now know for certain that all humans share a minimum of 10% sub-Saharan African DNA), and learn to get along for the good of all and in the best interests of all.

Let’s explore that as directly and as basically as we can.

The things that cause conflict and that must be solved to obtain this possibility of “world peace” can be identified with logic and reason.

We have wars because we have social differences, conflicting religious superstitions, want the same land or it can be just a lack of communication and understanding.

We can only get to the next possible level, of ending wars, feeding and taking care of each other by reasoning through things using critical thinking, logic and reason.

We need to choose to use our logic and critical thinking first, since one of the main problems we have, and have fought wars over for centuries, is the differences in our superstitions, otherwise known as religion.

Through logic, reasoning and critical thinking, we can lose our delusion that keeps these sects of religions alive and negatively affects our ability to get along. Using religious superstition and faith in things unseen, and without empherical proof, can be equated to a form of mental deficiency. Why? Because religion causes a lack of critical thinking and the ability to use our brains to dispell myths for what they are, fake and imaginary.

That is a necessary step and it won’t come easily, but can be done.

All religion is based on superstitutions and a belief in some “god” (take your pick, there have been around 2700 of them to choose from) and mainly it’s the huge “elephant in the room”, so to speak.

Faith without evidence is not a good thing. It deludes our thinking to the point of being the one thing that really harms us as a species. It causes hate and mistrust and that leads to conflicts.

Let’s face the truth here. All religions were invented by the people that were literate at the time versus those that weren’t for the sole purpose of keeping the peasants under control and in “their place”. We now know that as a fact and it’s just plain wrong.

There is no real use for these superstitions, or any religion anymore, and they are in fact the biggest source of conflict we have. It’s not logical. No one needs religion, superstions or belief in an unseen and invisible entity to be a moral person.

That is also a fact that can be verified through how many people are in jail/prison, have a higher education and generally live a moral life. (Atheists account for less than 0.2% of prison inmates, are generally smarter and have a generally better education)

Anyone, through the use of critical thinking, and if they use it to honestly look at all [their] religions, should, with logic, only come to one conclusion. God is imaginary.

Eliminate religion and superstition and what’s left?

Well, there’s these things to consider:

We will always have conflict over territory and land but without the insanity of religion, those differences, and most of these things could be resolved with reason, logic and cooperation.

I’m not calling for a new world order or a central government, just the fact that this one big stumbling block, religion, is at the root of us not being able to live in peace, with the good of all humanity, as the most critical, important thing. After all it is in the best interests of us all. War is not.

Then we must look at the way we treat this one planet that we need, as the next important issue for the good of all and for our very survival as a species. We are currently doing a lot of damage, some of it irreversable, to our air, land and water.

We must take care of this planet, our only home in this vast universe, at least for now, and just putting emphasis on eliminating this one thing (religion) would be a great start on that path.

My suggestion is to read many books, instead of just one terrible one, [take your favorite pick, the bible, quran or torah] and there are many out there that are readily available.

As a first book, I suggest the book, “How God Works” by  Marshall Brain as it teaches us how to use logic and critical thinking to end our superstitions and belief in fake, non-existent entities.

There is a path to a peaceful future and I believe it goes through this path of logic, reason and critical thinking. Yes, I am an Atheist.



Are You Afraid of Critical Thinking?

The extremists that now make up the bulk of the GOP, brought to us through the fringe faction, called the Tea Party, have nothing to add to the progress and advancement of America or the human race. They are delusional and their participation in a democracy will only cause considerable damage. There is no upside with these people.
Because of them and their propensity to claim that ‘god’ “talks” to them (why does god only talk to stupid people?) and because of my agnostic view of religion, (I’ve had since I was about 5 or 6 years old), I have come to the realization that all religion and every “god” is imaginary and are all man made myths and fairy tales. And also that a democracy has no room for this fractured type of doublethink.
I firmly believe in the 100% separation of church and state. You are free to believe all the myths you want to, just keep them out of our government and laws (and lawmakers).
Going to the next step, with much research and a completely open mind, has brought me to the fact that, knowing these things, I find that Atheism is the only answer that makes any sense at all.
Here is a thought that I believe to be a valuable tool for theists to stop their doublethink and come to a new realization in the way they view this world, their religious beliefs, and how critical thinking is not a threat to them, but a new honest path to living.
Think about positive change worldwide and how it is possible with the right examination of what is provable and what is merely mythological. Here is a profound statement, writer unknown.
The way to change the world is to change people’s minds. As more and more people openly discuss the fact that “God” and “Allah” are completely imaginary, the world becomes a better place. The people who believe in “religion” look sillier and sillier. Eventually, religion becomes a fringe activity that is meaningless.
More can be found at this at this site and here;
If you truly are a good person, can allow new reasoning and critical thought, then you have no valid reason to not go there and read and evaluate the proven evidence we now have through science that proves that all gods are imaginary.
So if you’re a reader of this article and think that you possess an open mind, now is the time to prove it to yourself, or are you afraid of critical thinking?

The World Must Lose It’s Delusion and Face the Truth

I have never believed in God…… I was agnostic about it for years and ambiguous to it at best.

Enter the age of retirement and the vast amount of information available on the internet. Things that were previously difficult to investigate, now become commonplace and there is nearly an infinity of information available. You just have to sort out the information that can be proven as true from the (again a vast amount) information that can be dismissed as conjecture, opinion or just plain made up lies that attempt to pass as truth.

Ahh, yes, TRUTH.

While all through my so-called “work life” I had never the time to, or the curiosity for exploring just what it is that makes so many people accept their particular brand of religion (there are 41,000 denominations of Christianity alone, without ever getting into Judaism or Islam) as the ONLY true religion, and the rejection of all the others as wrong.

Well I cannot put all what I have learned about religion, the Bible, Jesus and God into words as the more I write, the less clear I can become sometimes. So as an alternative I’ll be posting a random series with links to videos and articles made by the people who have tirelessly pursued the subject.

Today I’ll just put out one link to one video that I believe will fulfill my part of educating as many as possible, and doing my best as an online epistemologist, or better put, for the purpose of providing tools to use reason and research to help relieve people of their faith and help them accept reason and facts rather than myths and fairy tales.

The future of this planet, I believe hinges on getting as many people to examine their delusion of God and Muhammad, as these are the two main offshoots of these ancient manuscripts and the source of the delusion of billions of people.

The way to change the world is to change people’s minds. As more and more people openly discuss the fact that “God” and “Allah” are completely imaginary, the world becomes a better place.

Here goes… Watch this short video:

Remember we need not abandon religion completely, but knowing what’s rational and what can be dismissed as superstition is important for us to ever find a path to truth and [real] peace on earth

Welcome to New California

Dear Red States:

We’ve decided we’re leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we’re taking the other Blue States with us.

In case you aren’t aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all of the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California.

To sum up briefly:

You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches.

We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.

We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.

We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.

We get Harvard. You get Ole’ Miss.

We get 85 percent of America’s venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama.

We get two-thirds of the tax revenue. You get to make the red states pay their fair share.

Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition’s, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.

Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we’re going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they’re apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don’t care if you don’t show pictures of their children’s caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the WMDs turn up, but we’re not willing to spend our resources in Bush’s Quagmire.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 percent of the country’s fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation’s fresh fruit, 95 percent of America’s quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners) 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Stanford, Cal Tech, MIT, and University of California.

With the Red States, on the other hand, you will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia.

We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we’re discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you are people with higher morals then we lefties.

By the way, we’re taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.

Peace out,


Religion Causes Hate

 When I saw this picture on a post online, I saw red and a lot of anger at religious delusion and hate that it promotes.  

And people look at me like I’M the crazy one when I say that I’m an atheist.22109_686827548105850_3688404719116650903_n

 Religious delusion has never been a good thing, EVER, but in this day and age to have a planet that, by the best estimates has a population of ( about 7 billion+, and to have a large percentage of them suffering what can only be called a mental illness (religion), and the fact that any kind of mass awakening happening anytime soon is just a fantasy of mine, well you start to see the picture.

This kind of ancient thinking (which is promoted in all religious texts) might be on the rise among the deluded ones, that must number in the billions now (

Not a good thing for world peace.

 Worldwide acceptance that there is no “God” may be the only answer to human survival and true peace on earth.

 These delusional people all have that fucked up (arrogant) attitude that their “Sky God” is the only “RIGHT ONE”, and have proven time and time again that they’re more than willing to go to war over that, and well, I don’t see a happy ending to this.

   Without a majority of mankind losing their religious delusions and working as one race, the human race, for the good of all, with greed, hate and bigotry all put in their proper place, which is the garbage, I don’t see a happy ending here as long as religion is in the way. Think about8c2b7a69c301a100bb11c12464ab21a7 it.